Opening Hours
7:30am - 6.00pm (Mon - Fri)
Contact Us
0121 257 5080
07458 306288
Olive Tree Day Nursery is currently recruiting for the following positions:
Please CLICK below to download application form
Room Leader
Senior Nursery Practitioner
Nursery Practitioner
Please email your completed Application Form to info@olivetreedaynursery.co.uk stating which position you are applying for. Salary dependent upon experience.
Nursery Manager / Deputy Manager (Level 6) - APPOINTED
Purpose of Post:
Ensuring a high standard of physical, personal, emotional, social and intellectual education and care for all children in the nursery.
Supervision of and support to the team members within the nursery thereby implementing high standards of quality practices.
The day-to-day management of the nursery including quality improvement, marketing and administration.
To work as part of a team in order to provide an enabling environment in which all individual children can play, develop and learn.
To build and maintain strong partnership working with parents to enable children’s needs to be met.
Key Areas:
High standard of care and early learning of all children
Team building and staff management
Marketing and business development
Nursery Practitioner (Level 3 / Graduate / Apprenticeship)​
Purpose of Post:​
To implement the new EYFS curriculum
To ensure consistent high quality provision to children in their care
To ensure learning outcomes for children are outstanding
Practitioners must be able to produce detailed learning journeys to chart pupil progress and progression
Practitioners must be hard working, dedicated and kind
Practitioners must undertake training on and implement safeguarding procedures
It is the practitioner’s role to nurture pupils in their care and foster their learning and development so each child is able to meet his/her potential