Opening Hours
7:30am - 6.00pm (Mon - Fri)
Contact Us
0121 257 5080
07458 306288

Activity overview
At Olive Tree Day Nursery we pride ourselves on delivering a varied programme of activities that are not only fun for the children but complement the learning goals set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
We have a fantastic outdoor space, including sheltered area, so we spend just as much time outside as we do inside, including eating snacks and tea. We believe very strongly in bringing the inside outside.
A typical day at Olive Tree may include junk modelling, painting, crafting, reading, singing, building, dressing up and role play and, not forgetting, lots of great outdoor play. We also offer the following extra curricula activities at no extra charge:
Languages: Urdu/Hindi/Bengali/Arabic/Mandarin
Gardening Club
In addition to this, we also regularly take the children into the community to involve them in a wide variety of external activities. These can range from a tour of a fire station where they get an exciting hands-on demonstration, through to visiting a garden centre where they can grow their own plants. We also invite our parents/guardians to come along and join with the various activities.
We also mark important dates in the calendar to celebrate a ​wide variety of multinational festivals and holidays such as Ramadan, Eid, Diwali, Christmas, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and organise activities around this to enhance the children’s learning.
At the end of each year, children from our pre-school room put on a play for parents and carers, which will always be a highlight. We also hold a graduation ceremony, complete with graduation dress, for children leaving the nursery to celebrate their time with us.